A great many folks find writing difficult. I don’t but that’s because I have almost half a decades experience with writing. I think this is comparable to Malcolm Gladwell’s notion of 10,000 hours of practice. I’m having bariatric surgery this year. I am dreadfully overweight and cannot crash diet as I used to in my younger days. I dare not lie on a beach for fear of people thinking a Beluga Whale had been stranded. Our group of pre-ops talked today about coping mechanisms, especially if food is seriously important to your wellbeing. Folks have to understand that once the job is done, it’s like being an astronaut going to Mars with no return ticket. Some folks have post operative buyers remorse. My suggestion was to keep a diary on how you feel and how you are coping. This could be a video diary or in written form, for folks who have difficulty writing. I find writing and walking greatly therapeutic. I live on the edge of China Town here in Honolulu so there’s usually new things to see, or I potter along the fresh water streams flowing into Honolulu Harbour.
My current WIP has reached a part where I need to retrench the manuscript so its consistent throughout, and not have characters and scenarios drift off course. This is where a more rigorous approach might be warranted but, I like re-reading and getting more inspiration from the draft text. As Cecil Rhodes observed “So little done, so much to do!