Hooray, my new book, He might be still on Mars, is finally out, though I still have to review and sign off on the printers specimen copy. Anyone desperate for new reading material can put Dalzell and Mars into the Amazon search engine and lo, so shall ye find my book. I have to remind myself of the bloody title as I have a tic which makes me reverse the word order. So the correct title: He might be still on Mars; as opposed to He might still be on Mars. No more long book titles, where my minor dyslexia kicks in; usually its reversal of number not words. So the Mars book is my fifth opus; do I want to write more? Yeeeeees, but not for a while. I do have a WIP ‘Wedding Presents from Pyongyang’ which has a current word count of 35,000 words, about a novella length.
I also am writing a scientific monograph, on a highly successful fisheries research funding program. I’d like to draft another science paper about a group the anchovies that extend from the Red Sea to Polynesia, with different influences on culture and how they are used. It would be a big undertaking, however, and is probably something to be encouraged by a grad student.