I kid you not, logging on to my blog site really had me feeling like throwing my lap top of the lanai. Any way made it eventually. Anyway, The News: I was interviewed by Al Cole on his nationally syndicated radio show. Apparently he has a huge audience who refer to themselves as ALCOLEHOLICS. Until yesterday I hadn’t any contact with Al, but he’s a great communicator and we had a chat about’The Friends of Eddy Relish,’and soon to be published ‘He might be still on Mars.’ We had a good yarn about both books and I told Al that Eddy Relish is about loss and redemption, but redemption comes by way of a faustian pact. The Mars book will likely get classed as science fiction but its really not per se. Its a novel set in the future and explores a love triangle between my chief protagonist, Bounty Hunter Owen Bone and his SynthPartner, Sandi, and a cyborg, Evelyn Leung. I think it makes a great story, and I hope the edits I made to the book were final.
You can listen to the interview here: https://tunein.com/radio/PEOPLE-OF-DISTINCTION-with-Al-Cole-s263656/
Paste the URL into your browser, sorry for old school methods but it works. This will broadcast on March 17.
The times in which we live seem more like a dystopian plot, rather than my Mars book. But we should be grateful this is not bubonic plague, or its even more lethal version pneumonic plague, that doesn’t need the flea vector. Stringent isolation has been practiced for centuries. in the Village of Eyam in Derbyshire. Flea infested cloth from London started the 14 month of strict quarantine, where food was left at a rock on the village perimeter from neighboring villages. The fascinating aspects of the Eyam plague strike was that some people never got sick and some who did survived. Doctors are looking at the genome of the surviving families. For who Eyam is still home. My first novel, ‘The Last Dream Before You Die,’ is built around the the Eyam tale and how vampires came to live among humans in Wolfsten, near the Howarth Parsonage.