Nellie (my wife) and I went out to do our weekly shop today. We took a cab to our favorite supermarket. The streets were deserted, even in Chinatown where we live. The supermarket was virtually deserted except for clerks scurrying round for deliveries. I suppose we could do that but I wanted to get out of our apartment at least for an hour or so. We like to ride along Ala Moana Blvd to the store. Everything was static. A cruise ship sat by the wharf, all its passengers flown out of Hawaii. I looked at the charter boat dock which has other recreations like paragliding and an extreme jet boat ride. Nothing was stirring. Ala Moana Park was deserted apart from the usual birdlife such as night herons, snowy egrets and plovers.
My new book should be out this week or early next week. I’ve said this many times, but I had to0 do a line by line copyedit. Never again! I’ve lined up a copy editor for the future, through my private editorial reviewer. I do have a new WIP in progress, probably a bit off the beaten track. Its entitled, Wedding Presents from Pyongyang. It has a narrative sequence that jumps around a bit but it’s another thriller based in England and Southeast and East Asia.